East Savannah Gateway Revitalization
East Savannah Gateway Redevelopment CNI Transformation Plan (pdf)
The East Savannah Gateway area is bounded by Broad Street (west), President Street (north), Truman Parkway (east) and Bolton Street (south), as shown in the figure to the left. Crossed by Wheaton Street, the area has been considered by many just a transitional passage between the vibrant Downtown and the calm, residential islands. HAS deems important and necessary, however, the creation of housing, education, and recreation opportunities in the area, and for this reason has advanced a revitalization plan that began in 2012.
Historical Background
The special relationship between HAS and East Savannah Gateway exists for multiple reasons. The first one is the fact that HAS owns multiple parcels of land within the area’s boundaries, which gives the Authority ability to positively influence the community’s quality of life. Secondly, HAS co-manages two important communities located within the area, River Pointe and The View at Oglethorpe, and has continuous responsibility to promote the well-being and self-sufficiency of its residents. Lastly, the HAS’s Neighborhood Resource Center (Administrative Office) is also located in the area and serves the residents of all properties owned or managed by HAS.
For all these reasons HAS continues its efforts to revitalize the area, furthering the Plan that was initiated in 2012, as described by the timeline below:
2012: HAS receives a Choice Neighborhood Grant and begins a planning process, engaging
with stakeholders and partners to transform the East Savannah Gateway.
2014: The planning process results in a complete Transformation Plan that is approved by
the City of Savannah and by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
2016: HAS selects Hunt Development Group as Development consultant and uses grant to
finance the construction of The View at Oglethorpe I with 72 new units, among which 80%
are affordable.
HAS receives approval to rehabilitate former Wessels and Blackshear public housing
units and convert them through the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program.
2017: Rehabilitation in the former Wessels and Blackshear sites is completed and the community begins to be called River Pointe I and II, respectively.
2018: Additional 100 units are built at The View at Oglethorpe site. Unassisted, non-rehabbed public housing units at the River Pointe site are demolished along with the older Administrative HAS Office at 200 East Broad St.
2019: Vacant parcels become part of the East Savannah Gateway Revitalization Plan as targeted redevelopment sites.
Current plan objectives intend to address the needs of Housing, People and Neighborhood
in the East Savannah Gateway area.
Objectives for Housing: HAS considers targeted infill areas the undeveloped parcels it owns, and plans to create approximately 316 mixed-income housing units that will supply the area’s need for affordable and workforce housing. The developments are likely to occur in multiple phases that are expected to be completed within the next five years (2019 – 2023).
Objectives for People: One HAS’s requisite for transforming the area is the creation of education and recreation opportunities. HAS plans to facilitate a Community Center that will promote sports, tutoring and health activities for those residing or visiting the East Savannah Gateway. Strategic placement of a green space is also in the plan.
Objectives for the Neighborhood: Many are the public and private investments brought by the City and other HAS’s partners to the surroundings of East Savannah Gateway. Infrastructure improvements such as the Bilbo Canal Project have happened in recent years, as well as plans for mixed-used developments along President Street, such as the Eastern Wharf. One of HAS’s planned strategies to bring commercial development to the area is to extend nearby avenues, reconnecting the East Savannah Gateway to the historic downtown grid.
Next Steps
HAS is continuously engaged to partners, stakeholders, and its Development consultant Hunt Development Group in the creation of a master development plan for the area.